
Indonesian Traditional House - Java

Javanese traditional houses include traditional joglo houses, limasan traditional houses, village traditional houses, Panggangpe traditional houses, and many more in this article. One of the cultures that exist in Indonesia, namely the traditional house , traditional houses in Indonesia have a variety of uniqueness and have inspired many designs and building structures today.

Indonesian Traditional House - Java

1. Joglo house

Indonesian Traditional House - Java

The Joglo House is a traditional house built by people who live in Central and East Java.

The uniqueness of the Joglo house is in the form of a high roof and supported by four pillars called "soko guru". The Javanese traditional house ideally has 5 main parts, namely:

  • Pendopo , the building is located in front of the complex. This building is used to welcome guests, traditional performances or other social activities
  • Peringgitan : Peringgitan is a building that connects the Pendopo with Omah. It is used as a place of ringgit which means wayang or playing wayang
  • Omah, Home is the main part of the complex
  • Dalem , This building is the differentiator between the front and the back
  • Senthong , Senthong is the back of Omah which consists of 3 closed rooms. Usually used to store rice or a new couple's bed

2. Village house

Indonesian Traditional House - Java

The shape of the village house is a rectangular building, with pillars with two rectangular roofs on the upper side covered with a snail cover.

The roof of the village house is identified with the owner who is an ordinary citizen. Structurally, the shape of the roof of the village house is the simplest form. In the Kampung house, there are four central pillars and two layers of tie poles that function as a place to lean on the roof of the top of the house. Usually, these traditional houses are located in rural areas and are found in abundance, so that the village house is considered the home of the low economic community.

3. Limasan House

Indonesian Traditional House - Java

The limasan house has existed since the time of our ancestors, this is evident in the reliefs depicting the state of the ancient house.

Named Limasan, because this type of traditional Javanese house has a rectangular or pyramid-shaped plan. This house consists of four roofs, two roofs called kejen or cocor and two roofs called gabions in the shape of an isosceles parallelogram.

4. Home Bake pe

Indonesian Traditional House - Java

The Panggangpe house is the simplest form. The simple Panggangpe house building has a main form of 4 or 6 poles or “saka”. On the surrounding side is a wall that only functions as a protection from the surrounding environment. Buildings only have a roof on the side only, usually this grill is used as a warung, guard post or security post.

5. House Tajug

Indonesian Traditional House - Java

The form of the Tajug house is a traditional Javanese house that functions as a house of worship. The uniqueness of the Tajug house is in the langgar without responders (meet-collide).

The tajug has the same shape as the Joglo, namely with a square plan of the room and the roof of a towering gazebo and is characterized by a "Tumpang Sari" construction. What distinguishes Rumah Tajug from a Joglo is the triangular and taper shaped brunjung roof . This shape symbolizes the eternity and oneness of God.
