
Profile of Marie Thomas, the First Female Doctor in Indonesia

Profile of Marie Thomas, the First Female Doctor in Indonesia. Do you know who Marie Thomas is Google Doodle today? To find out more, see Marie Thomas' profile below.

Profile of Marie Thomas, the First Female Doctor in Indonesia
Marie Thomas Profile — The first female doctor in Indonesia, Marie Thomas. [Wikipedia]

If you access a Google page today, you will notice that something is different. Today's Google Doodle illustration is replaced by the figure of a female doctor holding a baby. The woman turned out to be Marie Thomas, the figure of the first female doctor in Indonesia.

Marie Thomas was born on February 17, 1896, which means that today, Wednesday, February 17, 2021, is her 125th birthday. Come on, get acquainted with her figure through Marie Thomas' profile review, which is summarized from the following sources.

Marie Thomas's background

Marie Thomas came from Likupang, North Minahasa who graduated from the Meisjesschool (girls' school) in Yogyakarta in 1912. After that, she continued to School tot Opleiding van Indische Artsen (STOVIA) aka Hindia Doctor School or better known as the Javanese Medical School in Batavia.

This school gave birth to many national movement figures, including Soetomo, Cipto Mangunkusumo, Wahidin Sudirohusodo, and many more.

After an uphill battle and earnestly, on April 26, 1922, Marie Thomas passed the final examinations. The success of Marie Thomas in graduating as a doctor was followed by other Minahasa people, such as Anna Karamoy Warouw from Amurang, and Dee Weydemuller from Manado.

Marie Thomas's Career Journey

Doctors who graduated from STOVIA are required to be government doctors for at least ten years. In the General Encyclopedia, it is stated that doctor Marie Thomas once served at the Centrale Burgelijke Ziekenhuis (CBZ) which is now the Tjipto Mangunkusumo Hospital (RSCM) Jakarta. Apart from Batavia, he has also been assigned to Cirebon, Manado, and Bukittinggi.

Marie Thomas then married a doctor named Mohammad Joesoef on March 16, 1929, and left for Padang, West Sumatra, her husband's hometown. There, Marie Thomas worked for the local Public Health Service or what was then called Dienst der Volsgezondheid.

After spending several years in Padang, Marie Thomas then returned to Batavia to become a member of the United Minahasa party.

In 1950, Marie Thomas returned to West Sumatra, precisely in Bukittinggi. There, he founded a midwifery school which is predicted to be the first midwifery school in Sumatra and the second in Indonesia.

Profile of Marie Thomas, the First Female Doctor in Indonesia
Google Doodle Marie Thomas. [Google]

Become a Character in Google Doodle

That's an interesting review about Marie Thomas's profile which became a Google Doodle today. On the Google Doodle page, the illustration was created to celebrate Dr.'s 125th birthday. Marie Thomas, one of the first female doctors in Indonesia.

The honor was given because Marie Thomas is considered to have made history as the first female specialist in the fields of gynecology and obstetrics.

That is the profile of Marie Thomas, the first female doctor in Indonesia whose figure becomes a Google Doodle today, Wednesday, February 17, 2021.
