
It turns out that there are animals that are more dangerous than piranhas, here they are!

Surely you know marine animals that are included in this type of carnivore or animal-eater, well he is the piranha. These animals attack in ...

This Man's Stomach is Covered With Breasts

Breasts are generally owned by every human being , but it is different if we want to see female breasts and male breasts. Surprisingly, ther...

Nicknamed Fishman Because He Is Able To Dive 200 Meters Without The Help Of Tools

In general, humans can stay underwater for about 2 - 3 minutes, but this person is different. This man has a very large oxygen capacity in ...

10 Most Amazing Buildings Made Of Glass

Many people think that buildings made of glass look more elegant, clean, and even impressive, than other buildings. Buildings which are basi...

The Most Expensive Dog Breed In The World Ever

Are you a dog fan? If you are a dog fan, you need to know about this one dog, the Tibetan Mastiff. If you want to have it, the first requir...

Criticized and Praised, This is the Profile of the Mandalika Rain Handler

The action of the rain handler at the Mandalika Circuit , Rara Isti Wulandari, went viral and became the world's spotlight, his profile ...